While many teachers are very skilled in teaching and motivating students to learn, it is also true that teachers are rarely equipped with an understanding of the science of learning. Many parents and educators alike assume that students know how to study, take notes, organize their materials, manage their time, in order to learn the content being taught. In reality, students need to be explicitly taught these skills—and unfortunately many are not. Some students get by and learn various techniques and strategies by trial-and-error, but many do not and struggle as a result.
Even well-prepared students benefit from learning effective study strategies, note-taking, time management, and organizational skills to better manage stress. Additionally, even highly motivated students can struggle with overcoming procrastination and perfectionism. And when students have learned and implemented study strategies—they are often times inefficient and/or ineffective.
Many common study habits and practices turn out to be counterproductive—highlighting and underlining, rereading, cramming, and doing the same things repetitively create the illusion of knowing, but do not create lasting “sticky learning.”
Why not learn essential study techniques that are based on recent discoveries in cognitive and educational psychology for becoming a more productive learner?
At Focal-Point Consulting, students develop essential skills such as effective study strategies, time management, and organizational skills to excel in high school, college and beyond. Metacognitive learning strategies help students become self-aware learners, enabling them to reflect on their learning process and adjust their strategies accordingly.
I work 1:1 with students, guiding them in understanding how their daily habits can be honed and finessed to help them achieve their desired learning outcomes, goal-setting, and developing effective study techniques. Additionally, students learn how to prioritize tasks, manage their time efficiently, and maintain a structured approach to their academic and personal obligations. By developing these valuable skills, students master the necessary tools to succeed academically and thrive in future pursuits.
Why Academic Coaching?
“People do not decide their futures,
They decide their habits and
Their habits decide their future.”
— F. Matthias Alexander